Spring Greetings!
Wow! I haven't been here to update this site in what seems like ages. But after receiving a call for help from another
Lovely family researcher I decided to get on the ball and at least update this page if nothing else.
They say that spring is nearly here. Not in Colorado it isn't! We're expecting more snow tonight and there are still
piles of the white stuff lying around from Christmas! Ah, well, we can hope, can't we!
All is well with the family research. I took a year off to catch up on a few other family lines and now have come back
to the Lovely lineage. I'm hoping to make contact with the last living sibling of my grandpa's, Shirley. I've reached out
to her before, but am hoping that I'll find more luck this year. Her memories are invaluable and I would love to get to know
I have a few other ideas up my sleeves and hope to be able to make a much longed for trip to Magoffin and Breathitt counties
this summer. Just being that close to where my grandpa grew up gives me chills of delight!
I'll try to keep this site more updated. But in case I don't, just remember that the past won't change - just the future
charts! *Smile*