Quite possibly THE best free family research site. There are so many things to research just at this one site I'm
not sure you'll need any of the others. You can search by region, state, country, county, surname, and much, much more.
A definite * * * * *.
The web site run by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints is a real treasure trove. They have been doing
family research for nearly 250 years! In almost every country in the world! Their database is completely free
and is run by volunteers, which in and of itself is really amazing and admirable for their true dedication!
Every region, country, province, and state has a page on the World GenWeb page. Their records are extensive so
a thorough search of this site will take some time.
A bit confusing at first, this site is set up to allow you see any others who might be researching your particular surname.
You simply click on the name associated with the surname and it will either take you to that person's web site which will
list all their relatives, or you can email them to get more information. A real find!
Volunteers from all over the world are willing to help you look up records relating to your family at local libraries
or archives. This site goes to show the wonderful commradery among family researchers and their willingness to help
other genealogy enthusiasts.
Funny name; great site! This site is a bit of everything relating to genealogy. You simply input the surname
you are investigating and it will come back with a whole gamut of web sites for you to research that relate specifically to
your surname. Saves gobs of time and energy!
This site was created by a genius genealogist. She has compiled over 250,000 resources for everything from name
origins to Civil War rosters to newspaper archives! She's done all the work for you. Simply enter in the state
you wish to search and she'll come back at you with at least a dozen web sites. A time-saving life-saver!
Simply click on Timeline and follow the instructions. What you get in the end is really quite amazing! This
timeline generator will tell you exactly what was happening for nearly every year you are alive...or your ancestor.
Just enter in the years you want searched. But the best part - it's totally free and absolutely fun!
What genealogy or family research would be complete without knowing just what your last name means. Some are quite
obvious - like Lovely. But others might be more discreet or even in a foreign language. A fun site sure to make
you look up everyone you know.
No matter what - remember to have fun and learn all about where you come from and perhaps find a few skeletons!